Request a New Chartfield

Requesting a New Department

A department is generally defined as an academic or administrative unit that has a common programmatic, operational, and fiscal (including budgetary) responsibility.


  • Contact Karen Mulligan via email
  • All expenditures are categorized on the University Financial Statements based on the department. Please indicate the nature of the activity that will be performed in the new department
  • Indicate ALL programs which should be valid with the new department

Requesting a New Program

The Program is defined as a group of common ongoing activities for which financial authority needs to be tracked and budgeted. These activities may occur within a single department or across multiple departments. Unique activities for which financial information needs to be tracked will also be accommodated here.


Is this an unrestricted program (Fund 11)?

Contact Karen Mulligan

 via email and provide the following information:

  • Indicate the activity that will be performed with this new program
  • Indicate the description of the new program
  • Indicate the department where the program activity will occur
  • Indicate the account types with which this program will be valid
    • Operating expenses
    • Payroll expenses
    • Financial aid
    • Tuition
    • Student fees
    • Other revenues (for use with NON-Auxiliary Departments)
    • Sales and services auxiliaries(for use with Auxiliary Departments ONLY)
    • Internal income

Is this a restricted program (Fund 15, 16, 17, or 18)?

Contact Margaret Miles via email and provide the following information:

  • Indicate if the program is gift funded or endowment funded
  • Provide a copy of the donor documentation supporting the restrictions
  • Indicate the description of the new program
  • Indicate the donor restrictions of the new program (which must be supported by the gift/donor documentation)
  • Indicate the department where the program activity will occur
  • Indicate the account types with which this program will be valid. Note: Gift funded programs will automatically be valid with contribution account numbers for donations. Endowment funded programs will automatically be valid with revenue transfers in order to accept the endowment distribution.
    • Expenses
    • Financial aid

Requesting a New Account

The account is defined as the natural classification, e.g., travel, office supplies, salary, etc., of financial transactions used for recording and summarizing assets, liabilities, net assets, revenues, or expenses.


Is this an asset or liability Account?

  • Contact Karen Mulligan  via email
  • Indicate the description of the new account
  • Indicate the department where the activity will occur

The program for all asset and liability accounts is: 00000

Is this a revenue or expense account?

  • Contact Karen Mulligan via email
  • Indicate the description of the new account and why existing accounts cannot be used